Take some time to think about what you really want. Visit your local pet shop to check out different species of fish. Once you've decided what type fish you like, research that species to determine what it needs regarding care.
A tropical fish tank set up uses fresh water. Freshwater fish tanks are easy to set up and maintain for a beginner.
If you have no prior aquarium experience, you should start with a freshwater fish tank. Tropical fish are easy to care for. Tropical fish are easy on your initial fish budget. Also, if you have issues pop up, you can easily bring your tank health back.
Marine fish tanks use salt water. Marine aquariums are beautiful and allow you a colorful array of fish to display and care for. Marine tanks are slightly more involved regarding care and filtration.
I'm not saying you can't start your fish tank adventures with a marine tank, you can. I would just be aware the cost of marine fish is higher on average. There is a lot more involved in tank maintenance. Also, once a marine aquarium crashes you are pretty much left to start all over again.Once you've decided what type of fish you want in you aquarium you need to decide what type of fish tank you want. Today there are many styles and sizes to choose from. Ask yourself a few simple questions.
- How much space do I have for a fish tank?
You can purchase bookshelf size fish tanks all the way to super sized wall length aquariums. It all depends on what kind of room you have for your fish tank.
- How much time do I have for a fish tank?
Your time is important. Your fish need to be fed daily which takes a few seconds. Aquariums must be cleaned regularly, which can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours. I usually do a major tank cleaning once every week to every 6 months.
Remember, I have four aquariums. Small fish tanks, let's say 1 to 10-gallon, need more frequent water changes, every week or so. Large aquariums, say 60 plus gallons can survive well with less frequent water changes. A lot also depends on the type of filtration you choose.
Cleaning your fish tank usually involves brushing the walls, changing filters, and changing about 1/3 of the water. Don't forget your exterior surfaces either. All of this is easily done if you have the proper tools.
- How much fish tank can I get for my money?
Budget is a big thing on everyone's mind these days. Fish tanks are luxury items. However the amount of enjoyment you get out of them is priceless!
You should buy as much tank as you can get for your money. Look for complete systems, which will include most of what you need to get started, aside from the fish and water. Take some time and browse and excellent online aquarium store: AquariumsDirect.com![]()
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