Fish Tank Supplies: Freshwater Aquarium Supply List

So, you've decided to set up a freshwater fish tank. Congratulations! An aquarium will bring you many years of enjoyment. This post is to give you a basic list of supplies you will need for your tropical aquarium.

Supplies For a Freshwater Aquarium:
Fish tank and stand
Filtration and required filters
Heater and thermometer
Fish net
Cleaning siphon for vacuuming/water changes
Algae scraper/brush
A designated fish tank bucket
Water conditioner
Biological Aquarium Supplement
Water testing kit (some pet stores offer this service free)
Determine if you need a power strip for your cords
Of course, you will need fish and fish food. You should purchase the fish and food after you have given your new fish tank a period of time to cycle. Some say to allow your tank at least a 24 hour period of time for cycling. I recommend you wait at least a week before introducing fish.
If you give your fish tank a week to cycle, you will have plenty of opportunity to ensure it is maintaining a stable temperature, the filtration system is working properly, and a bit of biology can build up.

A note about water temperature: Most fish can live comfortably in water that is between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (22 and 27 Celsius). Once you have decided what species of fish you desire, you should determine what temperature your fish tank should be set.

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